Get ready to discover the privileges of Creaviser in mobile application development, a service that every brand with a growth target applies!

We use our experience and knowledge in mobile application development to produce high quality technologies in your digitalized projects. We develop mobile applications that meet the needs of mobile platforms with the most users, such as Android and iOS. Our IOS and Android application services are not only for large companies, but also include applications that can be created for small and medium-sized companies. We provide access to mobile applications developed using the IOS operating system in the App Store, and mobile applications developed using the Android operating system via Google Play.

Contact us to improve your accessibility and increase your customers with iOS and Android applications.

Mobile Application Development Advantages

Mobile applications are software that make business processes more practical. In mobile software design, coding must be error-free. In addition, it should be noted that software updates are made at regular intervals according to the needs.

The advantages of mobile application development are generally as follows:

  • It ensures the efficient execution of commercial activities,
  • Increases the service quality of brands,
  • Develops brand loyalty,
  • Provides support for the creation of the corporate structure,
  • Increases the competitive power of the brand by improving business management,
  • It is functional in increasing product/service sales.
Mobile Application Development Advantages

Mobile App Content Features

We create completely different and customizable areas for all the mobile applications we offer.

  • Animation Areas
  • Social Media Integration
  • Unlimited Product Downloads
  • Banner Fields
  • Listing Sections
  • News and Announcements
  • Questionnaire and Form
  • Search in Site
  • E-Commerce System
  • Photo Gallery
  • Google Maps
  • Membership System
  • Human Resources
  • Data Fields
  • Special Requests
  • Tiered Category
  • Portfolio
  • Offer Request System
  • Video Gallery
  • Membership System

Mobile Application Software Features

You can take a look at the features we offer as standard among mobile application development services.

Original Design

Orijinal fikirlerin kaliteli işleri ortaya çıkardığını düşünüyoruz. Tasarımdaki ilk adımı sizi diğerlerinden farklılaştıranı bulmak için atıyoruz. Özgün web tasarımları ile içeriklerinizin daha çarpıcı ve hakkettikleri değeri almalarını sağlıyoruz.

User Friendly Design

Mobile applications are very popular technologies developed to respond to different demands. User-friendly interface design is very important in mobile applications, which are necessary to reflect corporate identity. We develop user-oriented mobile applications with simple and elegant interface designs.

Notification and Warning System

Regardless of the intended use and sector, solutions for users are possible thanks to the notification system and warnings related to mobile applications! The mobile application aims to improve the experience of users. For this reason, we improve the experience of users and increase the interaction rate with special sounds and alerts for each notification.

Language options

We enable you to open up to the whole world with mobile application development service. In this context, we offer the necessary infrastructure for language options in an integrated manner within mobile application systems. We enable you to reach your target audience with the language options you want.

Live support

We know very well how important the live support system is in all digital structures. As Creaviser, we do not leave your expectations unfulfilled by offering live support solutions in all of the mobile applications we have developed.

IOS and Android Compatibility

When mobile applications are mentioned, the difference according to operating systems comes to the fore. So, as Creaviser, what kind of solutions do we offer regarding operating system differences? We provide full compatibility with the world’s most used systems such as IOS and Android.

Google Analytics Integration

Would you like to see many valuable parameters about your application instantly? You should consider this feature in order to have a mobile application where you can draw the roadmap. By interpreting visitor data, we enable you to increase the efficiency of your mobile application with Google Analytics integration.

Instant Updates

In order to ensure the healthy operation and continuity of the mobile application, it should receive regular updates. As Creaviser, we promise applications that are updated within seconds. Moreover, we make it possible for you to have more advanced mobile applications with each update.

Low Data Usage

Systems that work with proportional data usage are faster among those recommended in app stores. We ensure that your brand is always at the forefront by developing mobile applications with coding techniques with stable working principles.

Periodic Backup

Systemic losses that may occur in adverse situations such as negative software or hacking attacks can cause time and financial losses. In order to minimize these and similar factors, we periodically back up mobile application data.

User Segmentation

User segmentation has strategic importance in mobile application development systems. We ensure that users only reach results related to their own interests. Thus, we provide a more useful and user-oriented mobile application experience.

Speed Optimization

We apply coding techniques that we constantly develop for fast-running mobile application designs. Together with these processes, we create mobile application designs that are stable as well as fast opening times.
Mobile Application Project Process

Mobile Application Project Process

Services offered to our customers for the best mobile application development experience include:

  1. Project definition: Planning is done to determine the purpose and objectives of the project.
  2. Analysis: Research and analysis are completed to understand the user needs and expectations of the application.
  3. Design: Visual and functional designs of the application are created.
  4. Development and testing: The coding process of the application is completed, tests are applied.
  5. Beta version: The tested version of the application is checked by specific users and feedback is collected.
  6. Maintenance and update: Necessary maintenance and update activities are carried out during the usage period.

Mobile Application Development Services

We offer mobile application services that will play a role in reaching your brand to more audiences.

We know that reading books offers numerous benefits. With the development of the digital world, book applications have also managed to become one of the applications that attract attention. However, a successful book reading app should have some features. First of all, book reading applications should have a practical interface and should be designed in an easily understandable structure. In this way, it may be possible for users to choose books and start reading without any difficulty.

When it comes to the best book reading application, we witness that software with many functions attracts more attention. It is also an important issue that the software does not give any errors during the use of a successful application. Book applications should be written in a technically error-free manner during the design phase. It is a fact that an application that constantly crashes will not attract attention as a successful book reading application

It is extremely important to carry out marketing activities through mobile applications for commercial establishments… Because most of the customers are now on digital platforms. Moreover, the rate of purchasing products and services via mobile phones is quite high. As such, the use of mobile applications attracts the attention of commercial companies.

However, not every commercial application can provide the desired results. A successful online sales application should be able to fully integrate collection methods into the software. Because customers who buy products or services through the commercial application; Having problems at the payment stage can be considered negative for the sales process. Online sales sites should be designed in accordance with the business processes of commercial companies. In this respect, it can be said that commercial practices should be original.

Financial data is among the important indicators for portfolio investors. An understandable platform should be offered to those who use financial applications.

With this:

  • Recording of important data,
  • Determination of border limits,
  • Giving a warning to users in case of exceeding the limit limits,
  • Automatic transactions with exceeding the limits,
  • Successful reporting of variables,
  • Features such as reflecting the changes in the tables are also important for the users of the finance application.

When it comes to finance software, it is possible to design a more unique personal finance application. Or, customization processes can be applied for an existing finance program. In this way, it will be possible to follow the financial transactions in a practical way.

When you use a health app, what do you expect from that software? Following up on hospital visits, recording body analyzes, determining the daily needed step information, and weight control can be some of them. But it is possible to do much more than that by using personalized health software.

Considering the best healthcare practices on the market, these softwares:

  • They have a remarkable interface,
  • They offer a practical usage experience for users,
  • They provide sufficient technical support for many health data tracking,
  • They offer a secure infrastructure for data protection,
  • It seems that they allow online tracking.
  • In fact, personal health programs allow tracking and recording of health data on a personal basis.

It’s all about how software is programmed. Programs that allow personal health monitoring make life easier for users.

Everything related to life becomes the subject of lifestyle practices. A successful lifestyle app, on the other hand, should allow multiple data tracking at the same time. For example, software that offers a weight loss fitness program should also be able to offer diet plans for this purpose. Because, when it comes to lifestyle applications, we can say that uniform software no longer excites users.

Users find software that offers the possibilities of more than one software at the same time more useful, rather than software that allows a single data tracking. A lifestyle related mobile software should therefore have a versatile structure. Thanks to its dynamic indicators, it should provide the necessary data tracking in a practical way.

There is no longer any need to wait for the evening news to follow important news. Because a useful news application provides much more than a standard news platform. In this sense, we see that many software in the market under the name of the best news application are copies of each other.

It is also seen that these applications use a similar design to each other. However, successful news applications must be unique from a technical point of view as well as having a unique structure. However, as a result of such an approach, it may be possible to design a successful news software.

Do you have a commercial firm or business and want to sell online? Mobile applications are now among the most accurate applications designed for this purpose. Recently, clothing applications as well as online market applications can be shown as software that attracts attention.

A good shopping application should be able to offer enough features and functions to its users. Shopping apps should help customers have an error-free shopping experience in a short time. The design process of these software should be in accordance with the nature of the commercial establishment. In addition, the use of a visual design throughout the software that will activate the shopping motivation of the users of the application should not be neglected.

Travel applications are among the applications that have recently attracted attention on smartphones. It is possible to choose accommodation in different locations using a successful travel application. These types of applications provide unique advantages in order to find a hotel or guesthouse with the desired features. These applications require meticulous work during the design phase.

It is important that applications used for travel provide a simple user experience above all. Because applications with a confusing interface cannot be said to be beneficial in terms of performance. Applications designed for travel can also be used as travel applications. In other words, the features to be included in the application are determined according to the demands of the service buyer.

With the rapid development of distance education, educational practices have become more important. Thanks to mobile applications, it is now possible to receive training on any subject, without any time or place limits. In this sense, school applications specially designed for any educational institution can also be used. Through these applications, the curriculum offered by the school can be followed. Apart from this, applications designed for general education also attract a lot of attention.

Thanks to a successful training application, there is no need to go to any training center. This makes it possible to study anytime and anywhere. It is also possible to add any desired feature to the application according to the request of the service buyer. For example, live lesson applications can be made actively over the internet. In this sense, the limit of features to be included in the application is limited to the needs and imagination of the service buyer.

The entertainment industry is an area that attracts more and more attention with each passing year. The interest in the industry also constitutes a turning point for entertainment applications. In this sense, we can say that many fields enter the entertainment industry.

Entertainment application in general;

  • Music,
  • TV,
  • The game,
  • Film,
  • It caters to fields such as books and magazines.

A successful entertainment software should be able to contain many entertainment elements in a single application. In this way, it is possible for users of the application to access everything related to entertainment with a single mobile application. In the design process of entertainment-oriented applications, it is also necessary to focus on the elements that can attract the attention of the users.

Now it is enough to use a successful application to calculate calories! Food apps can calculate the nutritional value of any food. At the same time, it is possible to make a practical calorie calculation of foods on the basis of quantity. This requires a successful food application design.

Nutrient applications may have different properties depending on the design. For example, it is also possible to add recipes to the application, to put healthy diet programs or to track calories through the application. For a successful recipe application, attention should be paid to the selection and use of images. Mobile applications designed on food should also include up-to-date information and recipes.

Do you need to relieve the tiredness of the day? Then sports apps with a successful design are for you! With a successful sports application, you can make your exercise programs regular. It is also possible to monitor progress, control weight, and organize a training program on the basis of muscle groups.

Software designed as best sports applications should include training programs that work the body in the most effective way. In addition, applications that regularly determine the body mass index and provide information about what should be done for a healthy body are also attracting attention. It is also possible to design it as home sports apps to make any sports software more comprehensive. Supporting the exercise programs in the application with visual elements should not be neglected.

There are successful software for those who like to follow the newspaper on a daily basis. With newspaper applications, many newspapers can be accessed instantly via mobile devices. Moreover, it is extremely practical thanks to the application that the news of interest can be recorded and read again at any time. A successful media application can also provide access to popular magazines.

In this way, it becomes easy to be aware of current issues and to follow different authors. A successful newspaper app should have headline news on its first page. For this purpose, a design can be created that will attract the attention of the reader. Such applications should be designed in a way that is compatible with the operating system updates on smartphones.

Picture and video are among the important media elements, especially for those who use social media intensively. A successful image application should allow using multiple editing tools on any image. In addition, it should have a design for the practical use of many filters.

That said, video apps should also be able to offer plenty of editing tools. Cutting certain parts in videos, using filters, adding text or visuals on the video and using effects can be counted as the basic features for video editing applications. Picture and video applications should contain constantly updated functional tools. In this way, there is no need for a new application to edit any image.

There are many social networking applications that are popular today. Facebook and Instagram can be cited as the main of these applications. However, social networking applications should not be considered as specific applications only. A website prepared for any area of interest can also design its own social network.

In this way, those registered to the network can socially share among themselves. Such applications are considered useful for a commercial establishment. Instant communication between members of the same team can be provided with a single social networking software. In this type of software, the focus should be on the development of mutual chat facilities. Along with the transfer of speech data, secure sending of media items to the other party should be added to the application. Only in this way can a successful social networking program be created.

Before going out, most of us usually use a weather app. An application designed in this area and having an easy user interface can make our work much easier. Successful weather applications should be able to provide instant reports on the current state of the weather. In addition, it should be able to provide summary information to its users by using visual elements.

Applications that send alerts to users in rainy or snowy weather, depending on their design features, can also be useful. The most ideal feature for meteorology applications is that it can transmit the weather conditions to its users without error. For this, news sources need to be properly integrated with the software. Weather programs should have the ability to transmit the forecasts for certain hours of the day to their users without interruption. For this, attention should be paid to the perfect design.

Things to Know About The Mobile Application

You can find answers to frequently asked questions about the mobile application.

What is a Mobile Application?

Software that is coded and specially designed to be compatible with smartphones and tablets is called a mobile application.

Thanks to smartphones, it is now possible to perform many operations in a practical way. In the latest state of mobile devices, business processes can be carried out more efficiently with mobile applications for corporate formations. For commercial organizations, carrying out business processes through mobile applications also brings many advantages. While mobile applications increase the managerial success of brands, they also offer solutions for social organizations.

The use of mobile applications is not limited to smartphones. Tablets are also among the platforms where mobile software can be used. It is important for mobile applications designed for commercial companies to be able to offer many functions through a single software. For this, a mobile software should be designed in accordance with the company’s needs. In order for mobile software to provide beneficial results for corporate formations, the current situation of the service buyer should be analyzed comprehensively before the design process.

What are Mobile Application Examples?

Mobile software is becoming more and more comprehensive software every day. Although the variety of mobile software is increasing day by day, it is a fact that these software provide many benefits. However, it is difficult to present a standard model for mobile application examples. Because each one of them has different features.

When it comes to a successful mobile software, the smooth operation of the software on mobile devices is among the most important factors. However, the visual design of a good mobile software should also be original. Unique designs help the service buyer to more easily compete with competitors in the same industry. When designing original software, one should definitely focus on designs that offer a simple user experience. Because no matter how successful a mobile software is, if it cannot be used simply by users, it does not seem possible to say that the software will be long-lasting.

As a result, mobile software samples must fully meet the expectations of the service buyer. Unique designs that serve the buyer’s goals also support brand development.

For the best mobile software examples, you can examine in detail on our software projects page.

What are the Mobile Application Benefits?

The benefits of mobile applications on brands are quite high. To list a few of these benefits;

  • Gaining a competitive advantage over your competitors
  • Contributing to advertising costs
  • Increasing sales
  • Increasing accessibility

There are numerous benefits of mobile software to service buyers. First of all, a successful mobile software plays a big role in the development of corporate identity. Mobile applications are also considered as an assistive technology in increasing the target audience of the service buyer. Thanks to the mobile software, the target audience of the service buyer is expanding rapidly.

The same is true for brands. With the services they offer through mobile applications, companies increase the loyalty of their existing customers to the company and also have the opportunity to gain new customers. Mobile applications directly contribute to the profitability of companies thanks to their functional features.

Mobile software also helps commercial organizations to develop in terms of service. However, keeping the mobile software up-to-date should also be paid attention to by the service buyers. Although mobile applications provide significant corporate benefits, outdated software or technical errors are among the factors that can harm the brand.

How Much Are Mobile Application Prices?

Mobile application prices vary on a project basis. The features of mobile software are also pioneers in determining service prices.

Comprehensive planning is required for the design of a mobile software. First of all, what the service buyer expects from the software should be fully revealed. After determining the demands, a comprehensive work plan should be made. In the work plan, the visual and technical features of the software should be revealed and it should be determined what benefits the software can provide to the service buyer.

After some determinations have been made, a sample of the software should be presented to the service buyer. After the approval of the draft, the design process of the software should be completed with dedication studies.

To sum up, the prices of mobile applications vary according to the features and contents of each project. For detailed information about mobile application fees, it will be sufficient to send the Offer Form.

Who Should Buy the Mobile Application Service?

It is recommended that everyone who wants to improve their brand perception should take mobile application services. These are applications that increase brand awareness and make business processes practical. The increase in the number of users of mobile devices day by day increases the importance of mobile application services in the branding process.

With an application designed in accordance with the brand structure, business management becomes easier. Mobile applications increase the loyalty of all segments associated with the brand to the brand. Brands with commercial goals can also generate significant sales revenues through the mobile application. Mobile application services are among the important services needed by brands that want to attract attention on digital platforms.

Can I Get More Information About the Mobile Application?

Mobile applications are among the software that is important for service buyers with their different functional features. It is also possible to statistically analyze the results obtained with the software after the mobile software is prepared and put into use. This situation concretely reveals the results obtained by the application users from the software. Based on the statistical data, it can be understood which aspects of the software are missing and which functions need to be improved. Performing the necessary studies by revealing the deficiencies in the software contributes to the efficiency obtained from the software.

For a successful mobile software, it is necessary to work with professional companies. Creaviser, with its professional software team, is among the companies that offer the best mobile software services for all brands, large and small. You can contact Creaviser’s professional mobile software team to get comprehensive information about the design of mobile software.

About The Mobile Application